"Fiji's United Nation Anti-Torture Move 'HOLLOW'"!
& Why We Firmly Think Aiyaz Saiyed Khaiyum Must be Held To Account & Go.
"A human rights lawyer says Fiji's ratification of an international anti-torture treaty is a hollow and meaningless gesture."
~Radio New Zealand International @10:51 am on 21 March 2016
The excerpt outlined above is adequate to give us Fiji Citizens and Friends of Fiji the state of affairs Fiji is in as we write. Few days ago, we ran a blog on this and it soon became apparent that Fiji regime's kokoroti (s) and/or Fiji dictatorcentric supporters have been quick to access our blog and remove the post.
So here we go again. We are reposting so that Amnesty International and similar Human Rights Activist Organisation can get a first hand knowledge of what is really going on in Fiji.
Khaiyum has had a jolly good run in crafting Fiji laws and decrees for the last ten (10) years. Why? Who gave him the sole authority to be making a mess in Fiji with his endless decrees and dodgy laws that has been crafted to suit his own agenda. This is pretty obvious. He is holding the key to altering Laws of the Land in Fiji as the legal - illegal attorney general. He has organised his legal-illegal teams to craft laws of Fiji based on his master thesis where he, Khaiyum wrote the demise of the Fijian Indigenous in their own homeland Fiji. It is now commonly called '#SunniFijiSunsetClause'.
The document has been widely publicised and easily accessible on social media. It has been tagged as #Fiji #SunniKhaiyumMeinKampf2006To2016.
So what are Fiji Citizens and Fiji Military & Defence waiting for? Is it a case of Judas Iscariot where money looks better than the sufferings of Fiji Citizens?
Fiji situation post 2006 coup to 2014 September Election have seen the same coup perpetrators running Fiji states of affairs and being declared winners in the tilted election. We all knew the machine brought in from India was dodgy to say the least. The election which was suppose to have taken one day of voting was stretched. Vote counting were suspended right in the middle because it became evident to those dodgy eements counting i.e Khaiyum's nephew who was heading the show that Sodelpa and other parties were gaining lots of votes as opposed to Bainimarama's FaDuaparty. The rest is history.
Its now March 2016 Post Tropical Cyclone Winston & Tsunami (which was muted) devastation relief in full swing. Just prior to this, Fiji regime was showing off with its new found friend Russia delivering weapons on 14 January, 2016. This was followed by Military men from Russia landing in Fiji early February, 2016 to commence Military Training. Then, unbeknown to these Fiji regime planners, #MotherEarth & #Divine #Will had something else in mind. Fiji got almost demolished by Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Winston + Tsunami.
Bainimarama is now begging international states to pour money to help rebuild Fiji. Must they abide? That's a choice that ought to be made by each countries.
In short, something is not quite right with Fiji current leadership. The whole Fiji saga looks like #Divine #Wrath #teaming #up #with #MotherEarth on revenge mode.
Fiji state of affairs post 2006 coup to 2016 has been cursed, as our Fijian Forefathers would say.
It is #poignant #to #mention #Fiji's #Founding #Father 3for #Democracy & #First #PrimeMinister - Oira Na Turaga Bale na Tui Lau sa bale Ratu Sir KKT Mara;
"#Ratu #Sir #Kamisese #Mara's #departing #words #to #Voreqe #Bainimarama when he forced Tui Nayau to step down....
..."E na veigauna kece ni nomu veiliutaki ena tu yavavala tu ga na Vanua."
Posted by Fijian Chiefs 28 February at 17:27
As clearly stated by Radio New Zealand International, "A human rights lawyer says Fiji's ratification of an international anti-torture treaty is a hollow and meaningless gesture."
Yes, we agree this is very much so the state of affairs in Fiji. It is HOLLOW at every level within the current Fiji regime, more so with those crafting the law of Fiji. Starting from Khaiyum, these dodgy law crafters/drafters ought/must to be brought to account asaspo. The Fiji Citizens have suffered enough.
In ratifying the UN-Anti Torture, Fiji regime does not really mean what they are signing. Fiji today operates on similar style of human rights abuse, threats, oppression, discrimination and intimidation just as it did from 2006 coup to 2016 including. Its 10 years too long for Fiji Peoples to have been put through a desert like experience.
Below is an excerpt of an email from Fiji to one of our bloggers. It is a classic example, to show the type of human rights abuse, be it psychological or physical, mingled with threats and intimidation which is being dished out by Voreqe Bainimarama & his cohorts running Fiji for the last 10 years.
#We #hope #Fiji #Citizens and #Amnesty #International, #Human #Rights #Activists #globally will come to know that Fiji regime has continued with its torture and abuse of Fiji Citizens in Fiji an abroad.
We agree with the human rights lawyer who has echoed that Fiji's ratification of the UN Anti-Torture Treaty is HOLLOW.
Fiji regime is only doing that for reasons we all know to continue its "#TABETABE" (in #FijianLanguage) at its highest, to the hands that feeds it i.e United Nations. Meanwhile, Fiji Citizens have been made to live in a make believe #HollowFiji.
Read the #email #sent #from a #Mr #ET #of #Suva;
"You're worshipping a. Wrong god...
[Voreqe] Bainimarama has been waiting a long time for your arrival back to Fiji...Your posts has not gone down well with them...his stooges would really love to throw you inside a cell and grill you with their long awaited questions...
So make your way in to Fiji...it may be home..and land to ancestors...but as far as his government is concerned you are a National perpetrator to animostic feelings...hence an enemy to Government...
Bring your venomous words across this way...and meet the judgement inside a cell block...uuuhh I forgot...yeah you can buy the best lawyer...ok...then...why not battle it out from inside a prison cell...
Come then and meet up with your fate....its been waiting for quite a while..."
From: ET <t...of...@yahoo.com>
to: "......." <.....@gmail.com>
date: 18 March 2016 at 08:39
subject: Re: .......
mailed-by: yahoo.com
Signed by: yahoo.com
Fiji situation for the last 10 years have divided the core of family love, Fiji Citizens respect for each other, Churches, Fiji Races in Fiji are more divided at every level more than ever seen before. This is the outcome of what Voreqe Bainimarama 2006 coup has brought. The legal illegal canutes like Khaiyum and his crafty crafters are just confusing the Citizens of Fiji with its long convoluted cr***. Meanwhile, some legal beavers have to just kowtow using the same dodgy laws to earn their keeps in Fiji and so they sing along the same 'egaltune merrily.
May God Bless the Citizens of Fiji this Easter that they will make sense of the nonsense being dished out by a corrupt bunch at its hem.
"Fiji's Ratification of UN Anti-Torture Move 'HOLLOW'"!
& Why We Firmly Think Aiyaz Saiyed Khaiyum Must be Held To Account & Go.
"A human rights lawyer says Fiji's ratification of an international anti-torture treaty is a hollow and meaningless gesture."
~Radio New Zealand International @10:51 am on 21 March 2016
The excerpt outlined above is adequate to give us Fiji Citizens and Friends of Fiji the state of affairs Fiji is in as we write. Few days ago, we ran a blog on this and it soon became apparent that Fiji regime's kokoroti (s) and/or Fiji dictatorcentric supporters have been quick to access our blog and remove the post.
So here we go again. We are reposting so that Amnesty International and similar Human Rights Activist Organisation can get a first hand knowledge of what is really going on in Fiji.
Khaiyum has had a jolly good run in crafting Fiji laws and decrees for the last ten (10) years. Why? Who gave him the sole authority to be making a mess in Fiji with his endless decrees and dodgy laws that has been crafted to suit his own agenda. This is pretty obvious. He is holding the key to altering Laws of the Land in Fiji as the legal - illegal attorney general. He has organised his legal-illegal teams to craft laws of Fiji based on his master thesis where he, Khaiyum wrote the demise of the Fijian Indigenous in their own homeland Fiji. It is now commonly called '#SunniFijiSunsetClause'. It is #Cultural #Genocide to the #Fijian #Race in Fiji.
The document has been widely publicised and easily accessible on social media. It has been tagged as #Fiji #SunniKhaiyumMeinKampf2006To2016.
So what are Fiji Citizens and Fiji Military & Defence waiting for? Is it a case of Judas Iscariot where money looks better than the sufferings of Fiji Citizens?
Fiji situation post 2006 coup to 2014 September Election through to 2016 have seen the same coup perpetrators running Fiji states of affairs and being declared winners in the tilted election. We all knew the machine brought in from India was dodgy to say the least. The election which was suppose to have taken one day of voting was stretched. Vote counting were suspended right in the middle because it became evident to those dodgy elements counting i.e Khaiyum's nephew who was heading the show that Sodelpa and other parties were gaining lots of votes as opposed to Bainimarama's FaDuaparty. The rest is history.
Its now March 2016 & the same coupmakers are still running Fiji & its Post Tropical Cyclone Winston & Tsunami (which was muted) devastation relief in full swing. Just prior to this, Fiji regime was showing off with its new found friend Russia delivering weapons on 14 January, 2016. This was followed by Military men from Russia landing in Fiji early February, 2016 to commence Military Training. Then, unbeknown to these Fiji regime planners, #MotherEarth & #Divine #Will had something else in mind. Fiji got almost demolished by Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Winston + Tsunami.
Bainimarama is now begging international states to pour money to help rebuild Fiji. Must they abide? That's a choice that ought to be made by each countries.
In short, something is not quite right with Fiji current leadership. The whole Fiji saga looks like #Divine #Wrath #teaming #up #with #MotherEarth on revenge mode.
Fiji state of affairs post 2006 coup to 2016 has been cursed, as our Fijian Forefathers would say.
It is #poignant #to #mention #Fiji's #Founding #Father #for #Democracy & #First #PrimeMinister - Oira Na Turaga Bale na Tui Lau sa bale Ratu Sir KKT Mara;
"#Ratu #Sir #Kamisese #Mara's #departing #words #to #Voreqe #Bainimarama when he forced Tui Nayau to step down....
..."E na veigauna kece ni nomu veiliutaki ena tu yavavala tu ga na Vanua."
Posted by Fijian Chiefs 28 February at 17:27
As clearly stated by Radio New Zealand International, "A human rights lawyer says Fiji's ratification of an international anti-torture treaty is a hollow and meaningless gesture."
Yes, we agree this is very much so the state of affairs in Fiji. It is HOLLOW at every level within the current Fiji regime, more so with those crafting the law of Fiji. Starting from Khaiyum, these dodgy law crafters/drafters, ought & must be brought to account asaspo. The Fiji Citizens have suffered enough.
In ratifying the UN-Anti Torture, Fiji regime does not really mean what they are signing. The hand that signs pretends to not know what the other hand is doing. Fiji today operates on similar style of human rights abuse, threats, oppression, discrimination and intimidation just as it did from 2006 coup to 2016 including. Its 10 years too long for Fiji Peoples to have been put through a desert like experience.
Below is an excerpt of an email from Fiji to one of our bloggers. It is a classic example, to show the type of human rights abuse, be it psychological or physical, mingled with threats and intimidation which is being dished out by Voreqe Bainimarama & his cohorts running Fiji for the last 10 years.
#We #hope #Fiji #Citizens and #Amnesty #International, #Human #Rights #Activists #globally will come to know that Fiji regime has continued with its torture and abuse of Fiji Citizens in Fiji an abroad.
We agree with the human rights lawyer who has echoed that Fiji's ratification of the UN Anti-Torture Treaty is HOLLOW. Fiji regime is only doing that for reasons we all know to continue its "#TABETABE" (in #FijianLanguage) at its highest, to the hands that feeds it i.e United Nations. Meanwhile, Fiji Citizens have been made to live in a make believe #HollowFiji.
Read the #email #sent #from a #Mr #ET #of #Suva;
"You're worshipping a. Wrong god...
Bainimarama has been waiting a long time for your arrival back to Fiji...Your posts has not gone down well with them...his stooges would really love to throw you inside a cell and grill you with their long awaited questions...
So make your way in to Fiji...it may be home..and land to ancestors...but as far as his government is concerned you are a National perpetrator to animostic feelings...hence an enemy to Government...
Bring your venomous words across this way...and meet the judgement inside a cell block...uuuhh I forgot...yeah you can buy the best lawyer...ok...then...why not battle it out from inside a prison cell...
Come then and meet up with your fate....its been waiting for quite a while..."
From: ET <t...of...@yahoo.com>
to: "......." <.....@gmail.com>
date: 18 March 2016 at 08:39
subject: Re: .......
mailed-by: yahoo.com
Signed by: yahoo.com
Fiji situation for the last 10 years have divided the core of family love, Fiji Citizens respect for each other, Churches, Fiji Races in Fiji are more divided at every level more than ever seen before. This is the outcome of what Voreqe Bainimarama 2006 coup to 2016 has brought. The legal illegal canutes like Khaiyum and his crafty crafters are just confusing the Citizens of Fiji with its long convoluted cr***. Meanwhile, some legal beavers have to just kowtow using the same dodgy laws to earn their keeps in Fiji and so they sing along the same 'egaltune merrily.
May God Bless the Citizens of Fiji this Easter that they will make sense of the nonsense being dished out by a corrupt bunch at its hem.